Module clap_complete::aot

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Prebuilt completions

§Quick Start

Shell is a convenience enum for an argument value type that implements Generator for each natively-supported shell type.

To customize completions, see


use clap::{Command, Arg, ValueHint, value_parser, ArgAction};
use clap_complete::{generate, Generator, Shell};
use std::io;

fn build_cli() -> Command {
             .help("some input file")

fn print_completions<G: Generator>(gen: G, cmd: &mut Command) {
    generate(gen, cmd, cmd.get_name().to_string(), &mut io::stdout());

fn main() {
    let matches = build_cli().get_matches();

    if let Some(generator) = matches.get_one::<Shell>("generator").copied() {
        let mut cmd = build_cli();
        eprintln!("Generating completion file for {generator}...");
        print_completions(generator, &mut cmd);


  • Helpers for writing generators


  • Generate bash completion file
  • Generate elvish completion file
  • Generate fish completion file
  • Generate powershell completion file
  • Generate zsh completion file


  • Shell with auto-generated completion script available.
  • Provide shell with hint on how to complete an argument.


  • Generator trait which can be used to write generators


  • Generate a completions file for a specified shell at runtime.
  • Generate a completions file for a specified shell at compile-time.